Green Package of Measures Yields Fruit
Climate protection measures implemented by SONY
Already two Green Music Awards have been awarded to the TV industry in 2015: Michaela Mild of ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corp.) accepted the award in Cologne on 22nd of August on behalf of the 2015 ORF Eurovision Song Contest team for their ambitions sustainablility concept. Aurel Beck, Sony Pictures, has been given the award for his great initiative in implementing measures to reduce climate and environmental impact in three TV series.
Jacob Bilabel (now: Aktionsnetzwerk Nachhaltigkeit) initiated Green Pictures Group NRW workshops already in 2014 and invited Katja as a speaker. At the second Green Pictures Group workshop in September 2014 Aurel Beck, Director fiction production, presented the sustainability measures taken in three TV serials: Since mid 2014 Sony Pictures has produced "Heldt", "Der Lehrer" and "Alles nach Plan" in an environment and climate friendly manner.
We are proud that our catalogue of measures serves as a guide for theses sustainable productions. Our check list is organised by subjects and suggests practical sustainable action. Aurel Beck started assessing the potential for saving resources and minimising harmful emissions during the first Green Pictures Group meeting in March 2014. Katja Schwarz supported this process with a presentation for the workshop and her catalogue of measures.
EnergieAgentur.NRW (energy agency North Rhine-Westphalia) declared the climate protection measures at Sony project of the month:
This demonstrates how practical implementation in production works.
We are proud to be mentioned for our activities on, a blog which has been lauded in the impressive but rigorous greenpeace magazin. (issue "Geht doch" 2014).