Die Preisträger von der Produktion «Die Schule der magischen Tiere 3» Katja Schwarz, Netzwerk Tolle Idee!, Roman Russo, Kordes & Kordes Film, Meike Kordes, Kordes & Kordes Film, mit Fritz Brickwedde, Heinz Sielmann Stiftung, Steffi Lemke, Bundesministerin für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz, Claudia Roth, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien,  bei der 3. Preisverleihung „EISVOGEL- Preis für nachhaltige Filmproduktionen“ im Veranstaltungshof des Bundesumweltministeriums.

EISVOGEL film award

The EISVOGEL award for sustainable way of producing 2024 goes to DIE SCHULE DER MAGISCHEN TIERE!

Photo: BMUV/ Christoph Soeder

MOTHER featuring Anke Engelke celebrates world premiere at Filmfest München 2022 – a Sutor Kolonko Production and green consulting by Katja Schwarz

"Mother" featuring Anke Engelke celebrates world premiere

at Filmfest München 2022.

Sutor Kolonko produced the docu-fiction as eco-friendly as possible.

Kinostart von JFK REVISITED – Film von Oliver Stone –  deutsche Voiceover-Fassung für Eurosync Berlin: Alexander Schwarz

Cinema Relase of "JFK Revisited"

Since 18th November 2021 the documentary by Oliver Stone on the murder of JFK has been running in cinemas – Distributor DCM; since December it can be watched in digital formats.
German voiceover version for Eurosync Berlin: Alexander Schwarz

Lilja Brik featured by Rodtschenko

The New Human

As a prelude to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the DVD edition "The New Man - A New Start and Everyday Life in Revolutionary Russia" will be released. It shows the cinematic utopias of those years of upheaval that followed the civil war and wanted to create the New Man.

Goethe-Institut Los Angeles invited to a creative industries' exchange with presentations and discussion

Can Filmmaking Be Sustainable?

Goethe-Institut Los Angeles invited to a creative industries' exchange

TATORT director is Katrin Gebbe with the investigation team led by chief inspector Ellen Berlinger alias Heike Makatsch.


The MFG film fund is backing the production of the TATORT special „Five minutes in Heaven“ as a pilot project with concern for the preservation of natural resources, Tolle Idee! is acting as advisor.
See here director Katrin Gebbe with the investigation team led by chief inspector Ellen Berlinger alias Heike Makatsch.

Ausschnitt aus dem Plakat des NaturVision-Filmfestivals 2013, Foto: Chad Cocking

Green Filmmaking

We offer consulting, development and execution of sustainable audiovisual projects. We provide advice and tips for green filmmaking processes.

Detail Poster NaturVision Film Festival 2013, © Terra Mater Studios GmbH, Photo: Chad Cocking

Alexander Schwarz moderiert die Diskussion DEMOKRATIE UND KUNST. KUNST IN KRIEGSZEITEN zur Ausstellung TROTZ ALLEM

Democracy and Art. Art during Wartimes

Discussion with the artists for the opening of the exhibition "Despite of Everything"

Make Films, Not War - Lecture at the Goethe-Institut Los Angeles

Make Films Not War

Lectures, film programs and workshops in Munich and Los Angeles, based our extensive research on the history of antiwar film and pacifism. Docugame in development.

Multimediaausstellung TWICE A STRANGER

Twice a Stranger

European crossmedia project on forced migration in the 20th century. Multimedia exhibition at the Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, and website

Albert Einstein sailing

Einstein – A Genius and His World

The documentary film and the richly illustrated book show the many facettes of his personality


Now or never - ecological and social sustainability moves the minds at film institutes and festivals

BR Studio Nuremberg: Franconian "Tatort" preview for 75th anniversary

75 years of BR Studio Nuremberg: The anniversary week starts on June 18th with an exclusive preview for the new Franconian "Tatort" [Crime Scene]. "Tatort: Trotzdem" with Dagmar Manzel, Max Färberböck and Fabian Hinrichs in the leading roles bears the green motion label because Hager Moss Film produced it for ARD/BR with our advice in accordance with ecological standards. And the tv release you can enjoy on October 6th, 2024 in the first German broadcaster ARD.


This course aims to take participants through all aspects of running a company or project in an environmentally friendly manner, including wellbeing, equal opportunities and fairness. Have a look, what October 2024 will offer to you.


Sustainability in the European Audiovisual Sector – this goal the „Capacity Building Seminar" in Brussels is aiming to.

PAIQ – German Producers Alliance' qualification initiative: GREEN MANAGEMENT + PRODUCING

In February, April and 9th November 2022 PAIQ invited to join their workshop „Green Management + Producing": How can you successful manage your company and your movie productions in a greener way, including all phases and genres. Next opportunity to participate: 2023.


Between November 9-12 SOFA – School of Film Advancement held it’s very first Alumni workshop. Focusing on Female Leadership and Sustainability, Filmplus realized their innovative concept workshop virtually in the Polish Capital, Warsaw, – alongside with keynotes, one-on-one meetings and a screening of Oscar candidate „I'm Your Man" for it’s international participants.

Саратовские страдания "SARATOV SUFFERING" – International Film Festival of Documentary Drama

The only film festival of documentary drama in the world. Exists since 2004. takes place in Saratov, Russia, in September. It was an honor to Katja to give a lecture about green producing for filmmakers, theatres and journalists at "Saratov Suffering" 2021


CineSud invites you to the LIMBURG FILM FESTIVAL in Venlo, the Netherlands, on January 11, 2020, to present practical sustainability measures in film production and discussion. Moderated by Katja Schwarz, the panel from the Netherlands will include Guido Franken and Patrick Noordzij as well as German producer Martin Hampel.

TOLERANCE – FILM FESTIVAL in Abu Dhabi and Dubai

The Goethe-Institut invited in 2019 to TOLERANCE - FILM FESTIVAL in Abu Dhabi and Dubai: Flm historian and curator Dr Alexander Schwarz among others D. W. Griffith' movie INTOLERANCE



Kinostart von „JFK Revisited"

Seit 18. November 2021 läuft der neue Dokumentarfilm von Oliver Stone zur Ermordung von JFK  in den Kinos (Verleih DCM); im Dezember '21 erscheint er digital. Faktenreich schlägt er eine Bresche durch Verschwörungsmythen und Vertuschung. Buch und Regie der Voiceover-Fassung für Eurosync Berlin: Alexander Schwarz – mehr

ARTE zeigt „Love around the World"

Am 14. Februar 2021 zeigt ARTE den Dokumentarfilm LOVE AROUND THE WORLD von Andela und Davor Rostuhar. Das Synchronbuch verfasste Alexander Schwarz.

Free-TV-Premiere auf ProSieben von „Diagnose Trump"

Synchronbuch von Alexander Schwarz für die Free-TV-Premiere bei ProSieben am 2.11.2020 von „Diagnose Trump – Wie tickt der Präsident der USA?“ (2020, Regie Dan Partland) - mehr

Cinema at ground zero? Cinematic transitions

Vortrags- und Filmreihe Lecture and film series at the Munich Volkshochschule on early German post-war cinema in the current programme focus "Experiment Democracy" from 16 January 2020.

Workshops for voice-over translation of TV documentaries

Since 2014 we have been running workshops for translators and budding authors together with the Sprachen- und Dolmetscher-Institut Munich. - more